
Monday, 6 April 2015

How to hack a bank

(,)-HACK A BANK! (E.P.O)Hey guyz i tink i found smtin
intrestin on net nd yes i did try it nd it worked well...i guess
am just over happy so am willin to post it here 4 u guyz so I
will explain how to hack a bank in Uplink, without getting
cought. Since I saw that a lot of people had problems, with
the hacking of a Bank, I made this . Here I will explain, step
by step how to hack a bank without getting cought. Tools for
the bank hack: To hack a bank you need a few standard
tools. Like the passwordbreaker, the Decypherer, the monitor
and proxy bypasser(which require a HUD ConnectionAnalysis
upgrade), and also the voice analyser to get voice-access
as the admin on the administration part of the Bank(don't
close the analyser until you're sure you are done with the
complete bankhack. I would advice you to buy the newest
version of all of them as soon as possible, because if you
immediately buy the newest version it will save you money
and also you can immediately hack any bank system. You
could also use the proxy disabler, but that will immediately
start the bank to trace you. And in my explanation i will only
use the bypassers. Entering the Bank server: Ok, so now
first make a safe connectionto the bank you want to hack.
The click on the LAN HUD view, and bypass the security
with your monitor and proxy bypassers. Getting the
information of the Bank accounts: Next part is to get the
information about the bank accounts. There are two ways to
get that. One is by doing missions like "find financial details
of someone", the other one, the way I do it, is to hack into
the administration part of the bank and write down all the
account numbers and passwords. To do this click on
"administration", then break the password with your
passwordbreaker, decypher the eliptic curve code with your
decypherer and get admin voice authorization, by using you
voice analyser. To get the admins voice, go to the public
server of the same Company as the bank, then add the
admins phonenumber to your bookmarks, connnect to it, and
start your voice analyser. Now if you're in the administration
part of the bank go to "view all accounts" and then write
down all the account numbers with the accessory passwords
on a piece of paper. after you wrote this all down, exit the
administration part. Checking the account for the amount of
money: Now, check every account number for the amount of
money. To do this click on "Manage existing accounts" and
fill in the account number and password, enter it, check the
amount of money, and only if it is more then 100.000, write
it down. Do this for every account number you've got. It is
possible to hack transfer money from different account
numbers in one hack, but I will just explain how to transfer
money form only one bank account. The final preparing: Now
if you wrote down the account whit the most money, then
choose one account yo want to hack(the one with the most
money). Then write down, the money which is on it, the IP of
your bank(the uplink Bank) and your own account number.
You can find the ip of the uplink bank in your bookmarks,
and to find your bank account number just click on the
money button on the bottom and you can see your account
number and the amount of money which is on it right now.
So write down the ip of the uplink bank, and your account on
it. The transfer: Now you're ready to transfer the money to
your account!(you could also disconnect and delete you logs
at Internic to be sure you will not get traced earlier then you
expected. Ok, if you're in the bank(with all security
bypassed), go to the "Manage existing accounts" section(or
you could go first to the "Loans" section to take the
maximum Loan on the account you're hacking), then fill in
all the info you got, like the ip of the uplink bank, your own
bankaccount number and the amount of money you want to
transfer to your bankaccount. Don't press the "transfer"
button yet! First open your log deleter(v4.0) and then press
the transfer button. Now immediately exit the transfer
section and go to the "Statements" section, then delete the
upper statement log, which says that you transfered the
amount of money. Then after you've done that, immediately
disconnect. Then connect to your bank(the uplink bank) and
bypass the security, go the "Manage existing accounts"
section, enter your own account and then go to the
"statements" section, and delete the logs which says that
you received the amount of money(you send yourself from
the hacked account). After that, immediately disconnect and
delete your logs at Internic.That should do the trick! you will
soon receive a message that your ranking went up one or a
few levels!! And ofcourse you still have that huge amount of
money on your own account! but might you still have any
problems or questions

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