Dear Respondent,
This questionnaire is designed to elicit responses on the use of easy worship software by Seminarians in Immanuel College of Theology, Samonda, Ibadan. Information given will be used strictly for academic purposes. Your anonymity is guaranteed. Therefore do not write your name on the questionnaire.
Thanks for your anticipated co-operation
Yours sincerely,
Oluyinka A. O
O. A. U. Ile-Ife
1. Name of school: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Year of establishment: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Gender: a. Male --------------- b. Female -------------
4. Marital Status: a. Single ------ b. Married --------- c. Widowed--------- d. Divorced ---------
5. Age as at last birthday in years: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Or year of birth: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Degree in view: a). Post graduate Diploma ----------- b). Master’sDegree …………..
c).First Degree ---------------- d). Others (please specify) -------------------------------
7. Do you have access to easy worship software? A. Yes …… b. No ……
8. If No, please indicate which of the following reasons are responsible for nonuse and return the questionnaire and If Yes please move to question 9.
Reasons | SA | A | UD | DA | SD |
Not part of the tradition | |||||
Most People would oppose it | |||||
No budget for it | |||||
It required high cost of training and expertise | |||||
It requires too many resources | |||||
Limited time for use | |||||
No interest | |||||
Others (please specify)--------------------------------------------------- |
SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, UD = Undecided, DA = Disagree, SD = Strongly Disagree (please tick as appropriate to your choice)
9. How often do you use the underlisted easy worship supported software?
Supported easy worship software | Weekly | Monthly | Quarterly | Yearly | Never |
Text only using power point, slides etc. | |||||
Graphics and text i.e. using pictures or clip art | |||||
Animation | |||||
Live video cameras on screen | |||||
Videos | |||||
Video clips or segments from TV or Movies | |||||
Emails | |||||
Computer | |||||
World wide web | |||||
Others (please specify)-------------------------- |
10. What kind of method of worship do you use?
a. conventional method of worship ------- b. Easy worship software ------ c. both ---------
11. Do you prefer using easy worship software over conventional methods of worship?
a. Yes -------------------- b. No ------------------
12. Why do you prefer the adoption of easy worship software to conventional ways of worship?
SA | A | UD | DA | SD | |
Because it was donated or inexpensive | |||||
Using the gift of member that are technologically gifted | |||||
making member better contemporary relevance | |||||
connecting with the youth better | |||||
To increase evangelism | |||||
To avoid reliance on books and papers in worship | |||||
exploring artistic media in worship | |||||
keeping in touch with the member biodata | |||||
keeping pace with other churches using easy worship software | |||||
Others (please specify) ---------------------------------------------------- |
13. How often can Easy worship software be used in achieving the following purpose in worship?
Weekly | Monthly | Quarterly | Yearly | Never | |
To create an environment for worship. | |||||
To reinforce concepts presented in worship | |||||
To encourage worship participation | |||||
To convey information to worshipers | |||||
To use it as main worship leader i.e. a music video, a short story | |||||
Others (please specify) ------------------------------- |
14. The following stake holders are important in the deciding on the use of easy worship software
Stakeholders | SA | A | UD | DA | SD |
An individual with interest in Easy worship software | |||||
A small group of members | |||||
Pastor | |||||
Worship planning committee | |||||
Church council | |||||
Evangelism committee | |||||
General consensus of the people | |||||
It should be since inception of the church | |||||
Consultant | |||||
Others (please specify) ---------------------------------------------------- |
15. What are those benefits you have derived in using easy worship software as against the conventional methods of worship?
SA | A | UD | DA | SD | |
Easy to assimilate teaching using easy worship software | |||||
To keep records of service | |||||
To get in touch with the member through mails etc. | |||||
To get easy access to church information | |||||
To understand better the preaching in the church | |||||
To make church activities more interesting and entertaining | |||||
Helps in keeping database and records of church activities | |||||
Uploading of inspirational and spiritual message | |||||
Give information on spiritual aspect of life that help get closer to God | |||||
Providing information on important events in the life of the church | |||||
Provide information on members belonging in the church | |||||
It educate members with information on health related issues | |||||
Others (please specify) ---------------------------------------------------- |
16. How often do you think the following should be review and evaluated so as to have improved access to the use of easy worship software?
Weekly | Monthly | Quarterly | Yearly | Never | |
The types of equipment such as video cameras projector etc. use in easy worship software | |||||
Easy worship supported software such as graphics, text, etc. | |||||
Roles or functions played by easy worship software | |||||
The goals set for the usage | |||||
The general effectiveness in using easy worship software | |||||
Others (please specify)------------------------------ |
17. The following are the challenges encounter using conventional methods of worship
SA | A | UD | DA | SD | |
poor assimilation during teaching | |||||
Poor or no records of service | |||||
Difficult to get in touch with the member | |||||
Access to church information becomes difficult | |||||
Find it less easier to understandpreaching in the church | |||||
Church activities are boring using conventional methods | |||||
Little or non-keeping of database and records of church activities | |||||
Getting inspirational and spiritual message takes time | |||||
Little information on spiritual aspect of life | |||||
Poor access to information on important events in the life of the church | |||||
Information on members belongings in the church is not available | |||||
Worship becomes daily routine and dull | |||||
Others (please specify) ---------------------------------------------------- |
18. To what extent do you think easy worship software helps to solve the following challenges?
Very large extent | Large extent | UD | Small extent | Very small extent | |
poor assimilation during teaching | |||||
Poor or no records of service | |||||
Difficult to get in touch with the member | |||||
Access to church information becomes difficult | |||||
Find it less easier to understand preaching in the church | |||||
Church activities are boring using conventional methods | |||||
Little or non-keeping of database and records of church activities | |||||
Getting inspirational and spiritual message takes time | |||||
Little information on spiritual aspect of life | |||||
Poor access to information on important events in the life of the church | |||||
Information on members belongings in the church is not available | |||||
Worship becomes daily routine and dull | |||||
Others (please specify) ---------------------------------------------------- |
19. If easy worship software were removed what impact will it be on worship and teachings (please tick one as appropriate)
No impact | Slightly change | Somewhat change | Significantly change | Substantially change |
20.What do you think should be the solution in order to have greater access to the useof easy worship software?
SA | A | UD | DA | SD | |
Greater access to it interms of donation and cost | |||||
Training on how to use it | |||||
Conceptual guidance and idea on what to do with it | |||||
Training on why it should be used | |||||
More time, volunteer or staff to do the work | |||||
Pre-produced media clips, sound effects, or music that could incorporate into productions. | |||||
Whole, high-quality productions that can use without much modification. | |||||
Affordable production services to create easy worship software especially for our organization. | |||||
Others (please specify) ---------------------------------------------------- |
21. What problems do you encounter in trying to use the easy worship software? (you can tick more than one)
a. power outage --------
b. lack of professional training -----------------------
c. lack of skills in the operation and setting up -----------------
d. fear of losing the uneducated member ------------------
e. it consume time in development ------------------
f. it require more cost and resources ------------------
g. others (please specify) ---------------------
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